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Stop Smoking,Give Yourself $65k Raise

Suzie Bowers, CHt

Give yourself a $65k Raise this year, and Stop Smoking!

Greetings, Suzie Bowers here, your smoking cessation specialist from California Hypnosis Center in Stockton, California. This year, more than ever I am seriously motivated to help more people stop smoking.

I’ve been helping people with my Stop Smoking in About an Hour Program since 2004 and I’ve literally helped thousands of people stop smoking.

Are you still smoking? I’m sure if you are you’re probably really tired of it. Or maybe someone you care about still smokes? Either way, I know how frustrating it can be, we all know how dangerous it is. If it’s not enough that 1 out of 2 smokers dies from smoking related diseases, then consider this:

Here is a little motivation for you: Did you know that cigarettes in California went up $2 a pack, effective April 1st of this year? That’s right, California passed a tax, increasing cigarettes by $2 per pack and that’s on top of a tax passed the year before for .85 per pack. That means if you smoke a pack a day at a cost of $9/pack, you’re spending $3,285 each and every year. I don’t know about you, but I can think about a lot of things I’d like to do with that kind of money…like college.

But, listen to this…it gets even crazier. Let’s say you take that $3,285 and you invest monthly in your Tax Deferred I.R.A. with a 10% average return…, which is very doable. In just 10 short years, you will have over $65k in your account. That’s double what you’re paying to smoke

Let’s double that, and say, instead of smoking, you invest in your IRA for 20 years….in 20 years, you will have a whopping $233,000 in your retirement account! Whooopie! And, what if you invested all that money smoking for 30 years:

Drum Roll please: you’d have $691,610 in your retirement account. So, what’s the true cost of smoking for you? I’m sure you’re tired of it!

If you’re struggling to quit, you can come in for your hypnosis session for a tiny amount compared to what you’re paying to smoke. In about an hour and ½ you’re done smoking once and for all! What could be better than that?

Visit our website at or call me today and let’s get you on the calendar!

Suzie Bowers here, California Hypnosis Center ~ Look forward to seeing you!

Disclosure: Hypnosis and Behavioral Sciences are voluntary self-improvement tools. California Hypnosis Center or it's associates are not licensed psychotherapists, medical personnel or doctors. If you require medical assistance, please contact the appropriate medical or mental health professional. Hypnotists/Hypnotherapists do not diagnose, prescribe or provide medical advice of any kind. We do not "treat" any medical issue. You are solely responsible for your own experience and how you apply these tools and techniques. However, we do our best to be sure you are satisfied with your experience and results. 

California Hypnosis Center is located at 2087 Grand Canal Blvd., Suite 5 ~  Stockton, California 95207

209.649.2504 local or 800.758.1239

© 2022 by California Hypnosis Center.  All Rights Reserved.

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